Detoxiz C60 Antivirus Immune System Booster (ISB)

Detoxiz Legal Disclaimer:
Following statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Supplement Facts:
Buckminsterfullerene disodium phosphonate, vegetable glycerol, propylene glycol.
How Detoxiz® Immune System Booster (ISB) works:
Detoxiz Aerosolizer creates nano-aerosolized particle plumes, a nano-aerosolized particle plume, the smaller particles dissolve and reduce the viscosity of mucus and pulmonary surfactant while providing anti-fungal protection, eventually all particles dissolve or clear the body by the action of mucus and cilia.
How Detoxiz ® Immune System Booster works on viruses before and after it enters the cell:
Transport of negative charged Detoxiz® through the bloodstream is by counter-charge attraction to immune cells. Immune cells and cytokines are naturally delivered to sites of viral infection by the blood. Detoxiz® then attracts or chelates calcium ions competitively away from virus particles. Detoxiz® then attracts to the positive charged water-soluble parts of viral glycoproteins such as spikes on the outside of many types of virus, and unwinds many of these before they can act to infect us. Some DETOXIZ® enters the cell to bond with virus replication machinery so that it can not make more virus using our cell proteins....
Is Detoxiz® directional?
No matter how it is delivered, it is transported as small clusters of nanoparticles that can drift anywhere. One face of each of these particles is fat-soluble, so the particles in each cluster can orient to adhere to blood cells or cell walls and other fatty membranes. One face of each of the particles of the cluster has 5 negative charges and is very water soluble, so it can dissolve in water, cell plasma (the cytosol), and move anywhere that it is needed to perform its function as a biosurfactant.
How does Detoxiz® help the immune system?
During sickness and serious cases of infection, one natural defense of the human body is to create reactive oxygen species or (ROS) directed at the invading virus. While this is helpful to destroy the invader, the ROS unfortunately is equally able to destroy nearby healthy cells or important parts of us that are not infected. To limit this damage, the portion of Detoxiz™ that has a fullerene group is well known to act as a free radical terminator to quench ROS, even at sites or locations that are far away from where ROS had been deployed as part of the human immune defense. Any blood cell can therefore act as a clean sweeper or sponge to clear the reactive debris and detritus so that the ordinary immune defense is limited to the target area while protecting sensitive regions where no infection exists.
Is there any solution to limit infection through the eyes?
Crowded conditions in some types of enclosed spaces have little or no clearance of sneezed aerosols or coughed particles that can spray into the shared air of public spaces. Even wearing a full-face mask or lab goggles may not be enough to protect the eyes from the possibility of a secondary infection risk. Use Detoxiz™ before and after travel in public places after moving to an environment with good ventilation where the risk of infection is greatly reduced.

Detoxiz ISB Oral Solutions

Detoxiz ISB Oral Solutions

Basic, 250ppm help on preventing and protecting

Part Number: 817653
Barcode: 608374984010

MSRP: 199

Plus: 500ppm help on recovery

Part Number: 89593
Barcode: 608374984027

MSRP: 399

Enhancer: 2000ppm for long hauler, help on restore memory, smell and taste

Part Number: 715196
Barcode: 608374984041

MSRP: 999

Detoxiz Aerosololized Lung Direct IBS

Detoxiz Aerosololized ISB

Detoxiz Aerosolized Lung Direct ISB Device

Part Number: 813591
Barcode: 608374984041

MSRP: 299

Detoxiz Aerosolized Lung Direct Immune System Booster Replacement Cartridge

Part Number: 402635
Barcode: 608374984058

MSRP: 79


Detoxiz Green Ultra Fine Clinoptilolite Zeolite 90 Capsules 6pack

Part Number: 590718
Barcode: 608374984047

MSRP: 59


Imbalanced body pH, Toxicity overload, Low immunity, Inflammation
As a daily detoxified and to alkalize your body - take 2 capsule once a day. For acute health issues - take 2 capsule 3 times a day until resolved. Since everyone's body and circumstances are different, please consult your health practitioner for the proper dosage based on your needs. Note - Zeolite Pure powder does not dissolve if mixing in liquid, so stir it up and drink quickly. Can be mixed in with food.
Legal Disclaimer:
Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.